Different Types of Pacemakers



What is a Pacemaker?

A pacemaker is a small, battery-driven titanium device that generates mild and painless electric signals to your heart helping it beat at a regular rhythm. When a pacemaker figures out an irregularity such as a slow heart rate, it sends signals to the heart to pump blood at a regular pace to keep it stable. Learn about the different types of pacemaker in this blog from the best cardiologist in Delhi, Dr. Vanita Arora.

A pacemaker has 4 crucial elements:

  • 1. Pulse generator to generate electric signals.
  • 2. Leads, that act as a mediator between the pulse generator and your heart.
  • 3. Electrodes attached at the end of leads.
  • 4. A battery which is inside the pulse generator.

Types of Pacemakers

1. Single chamber pacemaker
This pacemaker has one lead that connects the pulse generator to one chamber of your heart. It is one of the most widely used and helps to pace the heart by connecting the lead to either your right ventricle (bottom heart chamber) or right atrium (top heart chamber) for constant rhythm. This doesn’t have the coordination of the upper and lower chamber of the heart and beats the lower chamber of the heart at a fixed rate.

2. Dual-chamber pacemaker
This pacemaker has two leads that connect to both the chambers of the right side of your heart. The insertion takes place in both the right atrium and right ventricle to monitor and regulate the rhythm of both chambers.

This pacemaker is used for patients requiring coordination of upper and lower chamber because it helps in contracting and relaxing both the chambers so that they can work together and pump blood at a constant pace.

3. Biventricular pacemaker
This pacemaker is used for patients with advanced heart failures. This device has three leads connecting the right atrium and both the ventricles of the heart. It is used by the best pacemaker doctor in India when the heart is unable to coordinate and does not pump sufficient blood at the same time causing problems of heart failure.

The biventricular pacemaker helps to beat the heart at a proper rhythm and ensures that both lower chambers coordinate to pump blood effectively with upper chamber.

However, nowadays leadless pacemakers are in the spotlight and recommended by the best cardiologist in India. A leadless pacemaker is easy to carry as it does not have any leads and no need of creating a pocket to store. The best part is no discomfort for patients as it does not leave any lump above the skin after insertion. It is inserted directly into the right lower chamber of the heart through the leg vein.

It would be incomplete not to mention Dr. Vanita Arora’s name when talking about pacemakers - the best pacemaker doctor in India. She is a leadless pacemaker implantation specialist and performed the first live case transmission of leadless pacemaker in India. She is also well known for successfully implanting the smallest leadless pacemaker in India. With over 25 years of experience, she is the best cardiologist and heart specialist in India. Book an appointment with the best cardiologist in Delhi by calling at 9873879994 or by filling the contact form on her website.


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