Best Cardiologist in India Answers All Your Questions About Pacemaker

A pacemaker is a life-saving electronic device implanted to correct the slow heart beat. If you have been recommended one, chances are your mind is thinking about billions of questions such as what’s life like after the procedure, where it’s implanted, etc. The best cardiologist in India has tried to answer some of the most critical questions in this post. Most people with heart conditions will find this information helpful. However, be sure to consult your primary healthcare provider if you’re still unsure about anything.

Let’s begin with the questions:

1. Where is a pacemaker implanted?

A pacemaker use to be the size of a matchbox, but over the years new designs make them much smaller and sleek. It is connected to the heart via leads (or wires). With the help of a small incision, a doctor implants the pacemaker just under your skin below the collar bone.

The wires, on the other hand, are inserted in a blood vessel located close to your collar bone and connected with the pacemaker. Your doctor will then close the incision. The best cardiologist in Delhi, Dr. Vanita Arora says that you will not feel a thing during the procedure, thanks to the local anesthesia. That will help you relax.

2. Can I travel after the procedure?

According to the best pacemaker doctor in India, you can travel one week after the procedure unless it’s been specifically prohibited. That said, you must have a “pacemaker id” that has your doctor’s contact information and pacemaker details.

It’s best to notify the airport security personnel of your condition and that you have a pacemaker. While away, don’t forget to take your medications.

3. What precautions should I take once the pacemaker is implanted?

With new pacemakers, you need not worry about most electrical and electronic appliances. Even so, manufacturers advise a word of caution. Among the precautions, one is – not to place your cell phones within 6 inches of the pacemaker.

Besides, the best cardiologist in India recommends not to keep your device in the breast pocket. Other devices that create a magnetic field or are battery operated must be kept 6 inches away – at a minimum.

The movement of the arm on the side where pacemaker is implanted is restricted upto 7 days of the implant. This is a precaution to stabilize the pacemaker leads placed in the heart.

4. How to determine whether my pacemaker is performing properly?

You don’t feel the pacemaker working. Inquire about your minimal heart rate with the doctor after you’re discharged from the hospital. If you’re suspicious about the pacemaker, check your pulse.

Besides, if you’re feeling lightheaded or dizzy, there may indeed be a problem. In such a scenario, it’s wise to contact your doctor right away. The best pacemaker doctor in India confirms that most modern pacemakers can be checked remotely and only occasionally necessitates in-person checkups.

There is Bluetooth technology available in the latest pacemakers which is sync with smart phone, hence the remote check is possible.

5. What can be the immediate complications I should look for after implant of pacemaker?

The complications and side effects associated with pacemakers are quite low. However, if you notice any of the following symptoms, contact your doctor immediately:

  • • Unusual fatigue or shortness of breath
  • • Signs of infection (oozing, discharge from the wound) where the incision was made
  • • Swelling or redness at the incision
  • • Fever
  • • Abnormal rhythm

6. When should I consult a doctor regarding my pacemaker?

Pacemaker needs to be checked every 6 months and it is called programming of pacemaker where the doctor checks the functionaing of pacemaker has been as per parameters programmed.

That’s a wrap on the questions answered by the best cardiologist in Delhi!


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